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Watch classic Champions League games on UEFA.tv

You can watch classic UEFA Champions League games in full and for free on UEFA.tv.

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Check out UEFA.tv's back catalogue of classic UEFA Champions League games.

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UEFA's unparalleled archive of European football has allowed us to re-run some of the most memorable fixtures from down the years. These are available to watch in full and for free on UEFA.tv.

Available to watch on-demand

1997/98: Juventus vs Monaco, semi-final first leg
1998/99: Juventus vs Manchester United, semi-final second leg
1998/99: Manchester United vs Bayern, final
2002/03: Manchester United vs Real Madrid, quarter-final second leg
2004/05: PSV vs Milan, semi-final second leg
2004/05: AC Milan vs Liverpool, final
2006/07: AC Milan vs Manchester United, semi-final second leg
2008/09: Chelsea vs Liverpool, quarter-final second leg
: Barcelona vs Manchester United, final
: Bayern vs Inter, round of 16 second leg
: Barcelona vs Manchester United, final
: Real Madrid vs Bayern, semi-final second leg
2012/13: Galatasaray vs Real Madrid, quarter-final second leg
: Barcelona vs Bayern, semi-final second leg
2012/13: Dortmund vs Bayern, final
2013/14: Dortmund vs Real Madrid, quarter-final second leg
2013/14: Real Madrid vs Atlético, final
: Chelsea vs Paris, round of 16 second leg
2016/17: Barcelona vs Paris, round of 16 second leg
: Roma vs Liverpool, semi-final second leg
: Juventus vs Atlético, round of 16 second leg
: Man. City vs Tottenham, quarter-final second leg
: Liverpool vs Barcelona, semi-final second leg
: Ajax vs Tottenham, semi-final second leg

Europa League classics

EURO classics

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Existing UEFA.tv users can sign in on these new platforms via an optimised 'second-screen' log-in process using their existing account credentials. New fans can sign up to view content for free directly within any of the apps, or on www.uefa.tv.

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