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Sousa terminates Panathinaikos contract

Paulo Sousa is to return to his homeland after terminating his contract with Panathinaikos FC, the Greek club said on Wednesday.

Paulo Sousa is expected back in Portugal on Thursday after terminating his contract with Panathinaikos FC. The midfield player hopes to join a Portuguese 1. Liga club, although he has yet to reveal which one.

Dogged by injury
Sousa joined Panathinaikos from Internazionale FC in the summer of 1999 but has been dogged by injury and indifferent form. He made only a handful of appearances last season as the Greek side made it to the second group stage of the UEFA Champions League.

Eye-catching displays
The 31-year-old Sousa won back his place in the Portugal squad with some eye-catching displays in the opening group stage of this season’s Champions League but fell out with Panathinaikos officials after his form later dipped.

Written apology
The former Juventus FC player was forced to make a written apology to the club following a row with former assistant coach Stratos Apostolakis in the wake of a 3-0 defeat at Real Madrid CF.

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