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Ferguson wants to stay

Manchester United FC are holding talks with manager Sir Alex Ferguson about a new contract.

Manchester United FC are holding talks with Sir Alex Ferguson about a new contract.

Changed his mind
The FA Premiership champions confirmed the news in a statement to the London stock exchange on Tuesday morning after speculation that Sir Alex would not be leaving Old Trafford at the end of the season, despite his previous decision to stand down. The 60-year-old manager, who led United to UEFA Champions League success in 1999, has been in charge for 15 years.

New contract planned
"The board of Manchester United PLC confirms that it was recently approached by Sir Alex Ferguson on Sir Alex remaining as manager of the club beyond this season," the statement said. "The board has entered into discussions with Sir Alex and his advisors on a new contract."

Discussions continuing
"These discussions are continuing and a further announcement will be made in due course," the statement added. United are top of the FA Premiership and involved in the second group stage of the Champions League.

Giggs hopeful
United winger Ryan Giggs had been among those hoping Sir Alex would decide to stay on. "I always thought it would be hard for him to walk away from Old Trafford," said the Welsh international before Tuesday's announcement. "He's lived and breathed Manchester United for so long that it has become a way of life for him."