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Gazzaev gloom at near miss

Valeriy Gazzaev's pleasure was mixed with regret after PFC CSKA Moskva failed to progress despite winning.

Valeriy Gazzaev, CSKA coach
I am obviously very happy tonight but at the same time that is tinged with disappointment because we haven't qualified. We were concentrated from the first minute and our defence had little to deal with, and we went all out for the win until Semberas's sending-off, when we had to consolidate a little. The 40,000 spectators in the stadium and everyone watching at home could see that Semak was the best player on the pitch and the main difference between the teams. Our only regret now is the penalty miss against Chelsea. We didn't know the Porto result at the full-time whistle. We thought Chelsea would get a result but it wasn't to be. I hope the tradition of my teams beating French ones continues.

Vahid Halilhodzic, PSG coach
We have no excuses tonight. We were poor technically and totally messed up this match - it's a huge disappointment. We were drawn into the illusion that we could go further in the Champions League and now we must face up to reality. We finished fourth because that's all we deserve. When we were up against ten men we stopped playing, just sat back and watched them and I can't explain why. PSG don't have the budget they once had to recruit players but we put this team together and tonight we saw its limitations. But I'll keep on going until the job is done - resigning is not the answer. We have to keep on working through our problems as we still have three competitions to play for.

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