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Passion too much for Couceiro

Coach José Couceiro said FC Porto played with their hearts instead of their heads on Wednesday.

José Couceiro, Porto coach
At half-time Inter were in front and nothing was decided. Now the tie will be decided in Milan and we still have the same chance of going through. We started the match in an acceptable way, but a defensive mistake gave Inter a goal. We managed to level the game and there were times when we dominated. In the final part of the match we lost some of our organisation and control of the play because we became desperate in our pursuit of another goal. We played with our hearts instead of our heads.

Roberto Mancini, Inter coach
Inter had a good game and could have decided the result in the final minutes. Vítor Baía was hugely important protecting Porto's goal and not allowing Inter to win the match. Porto have a good team and Inter got a good result here, we don't always have to win the away game in the Champions League. In the second half [Juan Sebastián] Verón's injury changed our game somewhat and Porto took the initiative, especially in the first 20 minutes. However, we managed to recover and could have won. It was Vítor Baía who made the difference.

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