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Club commitment takes 'next step'

UEFA and this continent's major clubs pledged to increase co-operation during a meeting of the European Club Forum in Nyon, Switzerland.

UEFA proposal
The opening day of the latest plenary meeting of the European Club Forum in Nyon, Switzerland saw UEFA put forward a proposal for a memorandum of understanding to upgrade co-operation and provide a stable environment for the growth of the game. The Club Forum has been in operation since 2002 as a platform for debate between UEFA and the clubs on a variety of issues, including UEFA club competitions, marketing and commercial issues, media rights matters and club licensing.

Next step
"Now is the time to take the next step in the co-operation from both sides of the table," UEFA Chief Executive Lars-Christer Olsson told the 102-club forum. "We have agreed that we should try over the coming months to discuss the details. We are convinced that even closer co-operation will be important for the future of European football in general."

Club commitments
Commitments under discussion include club representation in UEFA bodies and enhanced involvement in the decision-making process. National associations would also make an important contribution in accordance with UEFA's belief that the football family should be as united as possible. Mooted club commitments would be loyalty to UEFA competitions, active participation in UEFA dedicated structures and respect for national teams.

Common interests
"Both the clubs and UEFA have many common interests for the benefit of the future of football," said forum chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge. "Clubs would like to see their opinions having more influence and importance in every decision-making process."

Laying foundations
UEFA professional football director Giorgio Marchetti said: "We are talking about laying foundations for important stakeholders. We think that we have a responsibility as a good governing body to keep all of the stakeholders involved. We think that the proposal for a memorandum of understanding is a step forward. UEFA has the strongest club football in the world, we have to recognise this."

Vision Europe
The club representatives also heard UEFA's 'Vision Europe' strategy for the coming years. "Under the strategy, UEFA's mission is to promote and protect European football at all levels, as the governing body of European football. An important objective is to keep the European football family together."

Magic moments
In addition, the forum learned about UEFA's plans to celebrate 50 years of European club football over the coming season. "Great clubs, legends, players, a lot of emotion and passion," said UEFA head of club competitions Michele Centenaro, "It is important not to let this heritage go, and it is important to celebrate the magic moments of these 50 years. We would like to transfer this heritage and emotion to the younger generations."

Season's activities
UEFA launched its celebrations in Monaco last month, and activities will run through the season, with the final focus of the celebrations coming at the next UEFA Champions League final in Paris, exactly 50 years after the French city hosted the first European Champion Clubs' Cup final. A commemorative 95-minute DVD, a book and a UEFA TV promo spot have been produced, as UEFA tries to target a wide fan base.