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Troubled Zidane to take time out

Real Madrid CF playmaker Zinedine Zidane will need to rest for at least ten days after opting to take a break to cure a niggling groin injury.

Ten days?
The 33-year-old suffered the recurrence of an old injury during France's defeat of the Republic of Ireland in September but was back as Les Bleus qualified for the FIFA World Cup earlier this month. After some uncharacteristically low-key performances for Madrid, however, Zidane told coach Vanderlei Luxemburgo after training yesterday that the pain had become unbearable, saying: "I need a break. I cannot carry on playing with this pain."

Similar injuries
The capital club hope to have Zidane back in around ten days, although a more realistic target may be the match against FC Barcelona on 19 November. Madrid doctors have compared Zidane's injury to those suffered by Fernando Morientes, now at Liverpool FC, and Getafe CF striker Riki during their time at the Santiago Bernabéu. Morientes required surgery, while Riki's injury healed through rest - something the club hope will apply to Zidane.

International dates
The Frenchman will also miss friendly internationals against Costa Rica, on 9 November in the West Indies, and Germany in Paris three days later. France coach Raymond Domenech said: "'Zizou' must rest and only come back when he is totally fit. I'll call him to see how he's feeling but the main point is to have him fit for the World Cup."

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