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Metatarsal blow fells Silvestre

Manchester United FC's French international defender Mikaël Silvestre will not play again until mid-November after sustaining a foot injury.

Metatarsal injury
Silvestre was taken off during United's 1-0 defeat by Arsenal FC at Old Trafford on 17 September with scans subsequently confirming that he has damaged a metatarsal bone. Queiroz told reporters: "His injury was a little bit more serious than we thought at the beginning. He will be out for six weeks, no less."

Misses København ties
The French defender is the second senior player at United to succumb to the injury this year after Wayne Rooney suffered a foot fracture in April. Silvestre, 29, will miss the next phase of United's Premiership campaign and the upcoming home and away matches against FC København in the UEFA Champions League.

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