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Viana out until March

Newcastle United FC are resigned to losing Hugo Viana until the spring.

Newcastle United FC are resigned to losing Hugo Viana until the spring after the Portuguese international returned home to undergo shoulder surgery.

Dislocated shoulder
Viana dislocated his shoulder in training at the start of December but it was hoped complete rest would avert the need for an operation. However, the 19-year-old suffered a setback during a visit to a specialist last week and has travelled back to Portugal for the surgery, which is scheduled for today.

'At least three months'
Newcastle manager Sir Bobby Robson said: "These things tend to take at least three months to heal properly and we feel it could be longer." Newcastle will complete their UEFA Champions League Group A programme in mid-March, meaning the Portuguese midfield player may not feature again in Europe this term.

Returned to Portugal
Explaining the extent of the injury, Sir Bobby said: "Hugo was examined by the specialist last Friday and during that examination his shoulder popped out again. If it's that weak in those circumstances, then imagine what could happen during a Premiership football match. That's when we realised an operation was necessary and Hugo is in Portugal this week where it will be carried out."

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