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2016/17 Europa League revenue distribution

A total of more than €399.8m will be shared among the clubs in the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League and we explain how it is distributed from qualifying to the final.

2016/17 Europa League revenue distribution
2016/17 Europa League revenue distribution ©Getty Images

A total of more than €399.8m will be shared among the clubs in the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League.


  • All net revenue from UEFA's club competitions is centralised, in one single pot, and reallocated to the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League on a fixed ratio of 3.3:1.
  • The gross commercial revenue from the 2016/17 UEFA Champions League, the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League and the 2016 UEFA Super Cup is estimated at around €2.35bn. The distribution plan (including fixed amounts) is based on this amount.
  • Out of the estimated gross amount of €2.35bn, 12% (€282m) will be deducted to cover organisational and administrative competition-related costs and 8.5% (€199.7m) will be allocated to solidarity payments. Of the resultant net revenue of €1.86bn, 8% will be reserved for European football and remain with UEFA, and the other 92% will be distributed to the participating clubs.
  • On the basis of the above-mentioned revenue forecast and set allocations, the total amount available for distribution to participating clubs in 2016/17 is €1.7187bn, of which 399.8m goes to clubs in the UEFA Europa League.


Group stage onwards

Forecast amounts
The net amount available to the participating clubs will be split on a 60:40 basis between fixed amounts and variable amounts (market pool). Therefore, €239.8m will be distributed as fixed amounts and 160m as variable amounts (market pool).

Fixed amounts (€239.8m)

  • Allocation to all group stage participants: €2.6m.
  • Group stage performance bonus per win: €360,000
  • Group stage performance bonus per draw: €120,000 
  • Non-distributed amounts (€120,000 per draw) will be pooled and redistributed among the clubs playing in the group stage in amounts proportionate to their number of wins.
  • Group winners bonus: €600,000
  • Group runners-up bonus: €300,000
  • Round of 32 appearance: €500,000
  • Round of 16 appearance:€750,000 
  • Quarter-final appearance: €1m 
  • Semi-final appearance: €1.6m
  • The UEFA Europa League winners can expect to receive €6.5m and the runners-up €3.5m, inclusive of their share of ticket revenue from the final (no additional amount will be paid to the finalists in relation to ticketing as was customary in the past).

A club could receive, at best, €15.71m, not including their market pool share.

Market pool (€160m)

The estimated available amount of 160m will be distributed according to the proportional value of each television market represented by the clubs taking part in the group stage onwards and be split among the clubs participating from a given association.

a) Half of the global market pool (€80m) will be split into as many shares as there are national associations represented by at least one club in the group stage. Each share, proportional to the value of the relevant media rights market, will be split among the clubs based on their performance in the previous season’s domestic competitions. The following split will apply among the clubs from any given association.

  • If the domestic cup winner does not qualify for the UEFA Europa League group stage, the market pool distribution will be split equally among all the participating clubs from the relevant national association.
  • Domestic cup winners eliminated in the UEFA Champions League qualifying rounds and moving to the UEFA Europa League will be considered as cup winners as far as the distribution plan is concerned.

b) The other half of the market pool (€80m) will be split into as many shares as there are rounds in the competition, as follows:

Group stage (40%)     €32m
Round of 32 (20%)     €16m
Round of 16 (16%)     €12.8m
Quarter-finals (12%)   €9.6m
Semi-finals (8%)         €6.4m
Final (4%)                  €3.2m

  • Each of the above shares will be split into as many portions as there are national associations represented by at least one club in the round concerned, proportional to the value of the relevant media rights markets.
  • Each national association share will be split equally among all the clubs participating in that round from a given national association.

The various amounts distributed from the market pool on a club-by-club basis can only be confirmed once all the contracts have been finalised and not before the end of the competition, since the exact amount for each club depends on five factors:

  • The actual final amount in the market pool.
  • The composition of the field of clubs participating in the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League.
  • The number of clubs from any given association competing in the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League.
  • The  results  of  each  competing  club  in  the  previous  season’s  domestic competitions.
  • The performance of each club in the 2016/17 UEFA Europa League.
  • Additional amounts
    Any additional amounts available for distribution to clubs as a result of higher gross commercial revenue (surplus) will be split on a 60:40 basis between fixed amounts and the market pool, as decided by the UEFA Executive Committee on the recommendation of the Club Competitions Committee.


    • Teams in qualifying

    In the new distribution system, the pot for payments to clubs participating in the UEFA Champions League and UEFA Europa League qualifying rounds will be equal to 3.5% of the overall gross revenue. Based on the forecast of €2.35bn in overall revenue, €82.2m will be distributed to the clubs in both competitions with the teams defeated in UEFA Europa League qualifying receiving the following amonts:

    First qualifying round – €215,000
    Second qualifying round – €225,000
    Third qualifying round – €235,000
    Play-offs – €245,000 (only eliminated clubs)

    No solidarity payment will be made to the winners of the play-offs for this round. However, they will retain the payments received for the first, second and third qualifying rounds, as applicable.

    • Non-participating clubs

    The solidarity payments to non-participating clubs via their national associations and/or leagues will now represent 5% of the overall gross revenues of the two competitions.

    • A forecast total of 117.5m will be distributed to national associations and/or leagues for their clubs (this amount may be increased in the event of higher gross commercial revenue).
    • Of this amount, 80% will be distributed to national associations and/or leagues with at least one club participating in the UEFA Champions League group stage and 20% to national associations and/or leagues with no participating clubs in the UEFA Champions League group stage.

    Furthermore, as introduced for season 2015/16, the distribution to national associations and/or leagues will no longer be exclusively based on their market value. Instead, 60% of the available amounts will be distributed in equal shares among all national associations and/or leagues and 40% will be distributed according to the value of the TV market of each respective association in the UEFA Champions League.

    Only clubs not participating in the group stage of either the UEFA Champions League or UEFA Europa League in 2016/17 will be entitled to a share of these solidarity payments.

    All the provisions are subject to final confirmation by UEFA

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