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Our commitment

Sustainability support

We help our member associations to develop and implement their own sustainability initiatives

All of our 55 member associations can apply for UEFA funding to support their football sustainability initiatives, in particular through our HatTrick development programme, which channels men’s EURO revenue back into the development projects across Europe.

Each association can apply for up to €100,000 in HatTrick funds each season to implement football sustainability projects.

All 55 member associations now have a sustainability strategy and are each delivering on them in their local contexts.

UEFA Respect Report 2023/24

Taking our lead from the UEFA Football Sustainability Strategy 2030, we support our members sustainability strategies by:

  • Developing training materials and guidelines addressing racism, child and youth protection, the circular economy and climate action;
  • Sharing best practices across the entire European football ecosystem;
  • Running Europe-wide advocacy campaigns;
  • Creating a rapid response process that ensures our community can quickly provide relief, in the form of solidarity grants, during humanitarian emergencies.

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